Unexpected Plans


Photo Credit: A.J. Medley

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”
– Proverbs 19:21 NIV


My trip to Singapore will always have a special place in my heart. Prior to my arrival with a group of classmates from my master’s study abroad program, I researched the tourist attractions I wanted to visit during our weekend stay. Well, let’s just say all of those plans went straight out the window.

My friend and I always seemed to end up at the wrong location while sightseeing on our own either because of having inaccurate information or experiencing communication barriers with our taxi drivers. Not all was lost, however. Because of these mix ups we ended up at the Singapore Botanic Garden, a breathtaking botanical garden that happens to have the world’s largest orchid collection.

I also wound up at the Singapore Art Museum, one of the most interactive and entertaining art museums I’ve ever visited – I got to title some art y’all, I felt so sophisticated. The cherry on top: my friends and I came across a ‘90s music spot where I met people from all corners of the world. This trip is one of my favorite travel experiences simply because nothing went as planned, and it was far better than I could have imagined it.

If you are anything like me, you love to have a plan. It gives a sense of security and power. I’m guilty at times of forgetting to include God in those plans. Sometimes He has to remind me who truly is in control, especially when life throws curve balls my way. Our response is the only thing that we can own in these situations—will it be one of anxiousness and worry or one of peace, resting in God’s promise that all things will work together for our good?


Reflection & Prayer

When have you had to let go of control of your plans? What was that like?

Father, please help me to fully surrender my plans and desires to You, having full confidence in Your all-knowing power. May my plans be in tune with Your will.


Monkey Time


A Father’s Example