A Father’s Example


Photo Credit: A.J. Medley

Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us . . .”
– Ephesians 5:1-2 NKJV


My friend and I took a weekend getaway to Thailand for a much needed break from our studies in Kuala Lumpur. One of the highlights of the trip was visiting the Ancient City, which is steeped in traditional culture and flanked with numerous gorgeous Buddhist temples. The most precious thing I witnessed outside one of the temples was a father teaching his toddler how to pray. He was showing him how to bow and telling him the words to say to Buddha. Although I’m a devout Christian, this sight touched my heart. I could see the seeds of worship and devotion being planted in a young child.

This teaching moment has prompted thoughts about how I live my life and the way some could view it as an example for good or bad, depending on my actions. I’ll never forget a question I heard in church some time ago, “If a person followed in your footsteps, will they make it to heaven?” This is a daunting question, and by no means is anyone’s path to salvation perfect. But it does call on us to be mindful of how our actions can influence others.


Reflection & Prayer

How do you use your influence for good? Are there any areas you need to improve?

Father, please help me to model my life after the example You gave me in Your Son while He was on earth, so that others may see Your love in me.


Unexpected Plans


Now, More Beautiful