“If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me…”
Psalm 139:9-10


Thank you for visiting Wandering with God! I’ve been blessed to travel throughout six continents over the past 10 years, which is no easy feat for a person who hates to fly and dreads turbulence. In this weekly devotional blog I share with you how God, our Father, has brought His word to life and revealed His faithfulness in my travel experiences. I pray you find the devotionals helpful in your journey with Him.


When I’m not day-dreaming about traveling (current ‘Rona struggles), I enjoy the nature around me and continuously seek creative outlets. In fact, I have a YouTube channel called Before You Wander, which provides travel prep tips. Make sure to check it out. - A. J. Medley

Contact A.J. for more info.