Monkey Time


Photo Credit: A.J. Medley

All creatures look to you to give them their food at the proper time.”
– Psalm 104:27 NIV


My friend and I took a day trip to Ubud during our travels in Bali. While we were eager to see the tranquil rice paddies and colorful art markets, we took an unexpected stroll through the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary, which is home to Balinese long-tailed monkeys.

My quick observation was that the monkeys were unfazed by humans. It was almost like we were the attraction for them. It was apparent they had become so accustomed to visitors feeding them and if not, they would take it upon themselves to stealthily try to rummage through visitors’ belongings to search for food. Come to think of it, I wonder if these monkeys were the inspiration for Abu’s character in Aladdin.

The monkeys’ expectation to be fed and provided for is not a learned behavior, but a natural one. Today’s verse, Psalm 104:27, gives a precious description of how God provides for all of creation. Just think, the one and only God of this universe cares for every living creature. But how much more does He care for us humans? Whenever we start feeling God is too slow in providing for our needs, or answering our requests, we can rest assured He will answer “at the proper time.”


Reflection & Prayer

What are some of the needs and/or desires you are waiting on God for?
How’s the waiting going?

Father, when I start to question Your timing in meeting my needs, please remind me of Your promise that you will fulfill them right on time.


Hopeful Waters


Unexpected Plans