Hopeful Waters


Photo Credit: A.J. Medley

But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. . . . He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow living water.”
– John 4:14; 7:38 NKJV


My trip to New Zealand is another experience that’s dear to my heart. Not only for its jaw dropping scenery (did I mention I have a weakness for scenery?), but also because it was the first country to which I traveled to solo. Embarking on this trip was definitely out of my comfort zone. But I’m glad my curiosity trumped my fear. While there, I took day trips from Auckland, one of them to visit Waiheke Island.

After a morning of zip lining throughout the island, I spent the afternoon by the shore, peering at the glistening waters while contemplating what life would be like after my master’s program. I was harboring some uncertainty, but that time by the beach was rejuvenating. It left me with a sense of renewed hope about the next chapter of my life.

Being near water has always been my happy place. A sense of peace washes over me, which helps me to sort through difficult decisions. Unfortunately, I’m unable to be near a body of water all the time, but thankfully, God is the Giver of living water. He not only provides hope for our future on earth, but also eternal life with Him in heaven.


Reflection & Prayer

Why do you think God uses the analogy of water when discussing life with Him?

Father, thank You for supplying me with your living water and giving me hope for
earthly and eternal life.


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