A Tale between Two Internships


Ladies of Amani ya Juu Kenya (me on the right)

My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
– Philippians 4:19 NKJV


While in grad school, I needed to find a summer internship that would enable me to apply and hone the skills I was learning in my studies. I had two options: the first was with a major consumer goods company, which had a handsome compensation package; the second was unpaid with the non-profit organization Amani ya Juu. I was attracted to this organization because it specifically trains and employs low-income women in sewing skills to produce fair-trade products. This internship also came with the opportunity to work at the Nairobi headquarters, but I had to pay for my airfare. As a full time grad-student I didn’t have sufficient funds.

I was torn, because the Amani internship would fulfill my long-held desire to combine my fashion background with women economic empowerment, as well as visit Africa for the first time. On the other hand, I could have used the money from the paid internship to start paying off my student loans. There was definitely a struggle between my heart and head. When I asked God what I should do, He said, “Go with Amani ya Juu.” I’ll admit, I argued with Him, trying to make logical points about how the paid internship could provide more financial and network security for the future. He simply said He didn’t want me to focus on the money. So, I turned down the paid internship; and I’m happy I did.

I was blessed with a scholarship from school and funds from my family and friends to cover my travel expenses, plus a stipend. As a result, I was able to learn from the amazing women at Amani about manufacturing and training operations, as well as help the organization with market research. This experience showed me the beauty of obeying God’s calling. When He calls us to an assignment, He will provide the resources for us to complete it. Instead of getting caught up in the details of “how,” God would like us to take Him at His Word and give Him our willing hearts.

P.S. Those loans I was so worried about? The Lord blessed me with means to pay them off way sooner than expected.


Reflection & Prayer

How has God provided for your calling? What has that journey been like?

Father, thank you for always equipping me for Your assignments, even when they seem too big or illogical. Help me to trust Your ways.


Marriage Representative


Hopeful Waters