Sky High


Photo Credit: A. J. Medley

God sits above the circle of the earth. The people below seem like grasshoppers to him!”
– Isaiah 40:22 NLT


My cousin and I traveled to Dubai to celebrate my milestone birthday, and of course we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to visit the world’s tallest building. Standing a little more than half a mile high (2,716.5 feet to be exact), the Burj Khalifa is a sight to behold. While going up the elevator to the observation level, we felt butterflies in our stomach, but they quickly disappeared when we saw the city’s incredible skyline. The bustling cars and people down below who looked like tiny insects.

This downward view reminds me of today’s text. It describes how we look like grasshoppers from God’s vantage point. Sometimes it may seem unfathomable that God, who created the entire universe and sits on His heavenly throne, wants to be involved in our “grasshopper” lives, but it’s true. Even to the extent that He knows exactly how many hairs are on our head (Luke 12:7)! Life experiences can sometimes make us feel small and insignificant, but we can always count on God’s everlasting love for us. He values us so much that He thought we were to die for. No other love and validation can compare to His.


Reflection & Prayer

Have you ever felt insignificant? How did God help you to shift your view?

Father, thank You for knowing me so intimately and giving me significance.


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