Auntie Ernestine’s Thankfulness


Photo Credit: A. J. Medley

I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders.”
– Psalm 9:1 NASB


A few years ago I visited Cuba with my mom, cousin, and great-aunt, “Auntie Ernestine” whom I’ve adopted as my surrogate grandmother. As exciting as it was to see this long labeled “forbidden island” as an American, it was even more fascinating to see it through the eyes of my then 88-year-old, spunky great-aunt. She explained that as a child she would hear stories about Cuba, especially when it was heavily controlled by the Soviet Union and she always dreamed of seeing the country for herself.

Auntie Ernestine embraced our exploration of the Cuban culture with wide open arms. Whether it was riding and waving in a 1950s car as if she was a celebrity, tasting fresh sugarcane juice at a farm, soaking up the exhibits at the Revolution Museum, or dancing in a botanical garden, she was living her best life. Throughout the trip she regularly expressed her thankfulness to God for sparing her life to see and experience Cuba.

Auntie Ernestine’s life-loving attitude and thankfulness are inspiring. If I’m truly honest with myself, I know I don’t give God enough praise for all He has done for me, nor do I always live every day to the fullest. If you struggle in these areas like me, I pray that we improve in thanking Him every day for His loving-kindness and maximize the time we are blessed with, even in our old age.


Reflection & Prayer

What are you thankful for in this season of your life?

Father, thank You for the life you have blessed me with. Help me not to take it for granted and to experience fully all the great plans You have in store for me.


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