Seaweed and Muddy Feet


Photo Credit: A. J. Medley

Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.”
– John 13:14 NIV


Two years ago I traveled to my long awaited dream destination, Zanzibar, Tanzania. I enjoyed exploring the island’s vibrant terrain, markets, food, and engaging with friendly locals. One day I took a tour in the Jambiani beach village, where trade is widely based on its seaweed supply. I wanted to get a closer look at the seaweed that was being harvested during low tide. In my pursuit, my feet got terribly muddy from the wet sand. They were in no condition to travel back in the tour van.

Without any hesitation, my tour guide, Betty, found some water from one of the villagers and proceeded to wash my feet, no questions asked. I objected, telling her I could do it myself. But she insisted that she would wash them for me. Her kindness struck me to the core, instantly reminding me how Jesus, our Savior, took the time to wash His disciples’ feet (John 13:1-14), even though that task was traditionally a slave’s duty. He led by example regarding how we should humbly serve others, no matter our status.


Reflection & Prayer

How will you apply Jesus’s example of servant leadership today?

Father, please place within me a humble and wiling spirit to serve others as You serve us. May Your lovingkindness shine through me while helping others.


Angelic Music


Sky High