Growing Pains


View from Huayna Picchu Mountain,

“. . . But we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character hope.”
– Romans 5:3-4 NKJV


The entrance to Machu Picchu is absolutely breathtaking. The clouds had just parted in time for us to see the morning light envelop this historic Inca sanctuary. It was a sight like none other. After our thorough tour of the grounds, my heart was filled with what we had just experienced, and I would have had no issue of ending our excursion at that point. But my friend wanted to hike up the Huayna Picchu Mountain, where you can get a bird’s eye view of Machu Picchu. I’m not going to lie, I was resistant to this adventure because I had heard it was a challenging trek.

And it definitely was. I complained the entire hike about how arduous the climb was, plus how sweaty and dirty I was getting. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy. But when we finally reached the peak, after what felt like an eternity, I had to take my foot out of my mouth. The view was utterly serene and tranquil. I had to concede that my friend was right about insisting that I take the hike.

I relate this experience to growing pains, whether in our spiritual, professional, or personal lives. Sometimes we settle in areas of our lives either because we feel like we’ve mastered it or we’ve become comfortable, not wanting to disturb our routine. But God designed us to continuously evolve. Sometimes that change can stretch us, making us feel uncomfortable, even some pain. But His ultimate purpose is to prepare us for the future He has planned for us. If we don’t grow, we may miss out on receiving and appreciating His blessings.


Reflection & Prayer

What are some growing pains you’ve experienced? What lessons have you learned?

Father, thank You for enabling me to evolve in my life journey. When I face uncomfortable situations, please help me to be patient through the growing process.


The Smoke that Thunders


Ordered Steps