The Smoke that Thunders

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Victoria Falls

. . . But the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him. They shall see His face . . .”
– Revelation 22:3-4 NKJV


A few years ago, I had the wonderful opportunity of attending my dear friend’s wedding in Zimbabwe. After the heartwarming, joyous wedding festivities, I went with her family to see Victoria Falls. I could hardly wait to visit this natural wonder of the world.

The day finally arrived and while walking towards the park’s entrance we could hear the thunderous, crashing sound of the falls. It was almost as if the thunder ushers you in, helping to build the anticipation of what is to come. Once we were in view of the falls, I was blown away by their stunning, utopic appearance.

Interestingly, I can see how the ushering thunders of the falls is similar to our relationship with God. We have yet to lay our eyes on Him, but we have experienced His beautiful presence through the kindness and generosity of others, His miraculous work in our lives, and meditating on His Word. These elements are only a taste of what is to come when we see Him face-to-face.


Reflection & Prayer

What do you think it will be like to meet God face-to-face? What questions do you want to ask Him?

Father, thank you for your promise of seeing you face-to-face one day. As I wait on that day, continue to renew me and reveal Your presence.


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