Ordered Steps


Museo Larco
Photo credit: A. J. Medley

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
– Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV


Some time ago, a friend and I traveled to Peru, where we spent a few days in Lima before going to Cusco to see Machu Picchu. Arriving a few days ahead of her in Lima, I decided to take a solo day of sightseeing. I felt a bit anxious as I was walking down the street from our accommodations because I didn’t know how I would fare with my EXTREMELY limited Spanish vocabulary. To help calm my nerves I asked God, “Please order my steps.”

No sooner than turning the corner after my prayer, I saw a vacant taxi driving in my direction. I hailed it and asked him if he could take me to the Museo Larco (a must see in Lima). As soon as I entered the vehicle, I immediately recognized my church’s denomination (Seventh-day Adventist) logo in his windshield. I asked in my very broken Spanish if he belonged to the church and he said emphatically, “Si, si, si!” He then asked if I was a member as well. After I responded, surprisingly I understood him when encouraged me to visit his church while I was town. Even though I had no plans to attend church while I was in Peru, I’m glad I took his advice and went. I made a new friend, Ellie, who graciously interpreted the church service for me and invited me to lunch at her family’s home after church. This encounter led us to become prayer partners.

I’m grateful I took time to pray that simple prayer. It was amazing to see how God not only ordered my steps, but also put the people I needed on my path. God wants to be included in all aspects of our lives, even those we deem too small.


Reflection & Prayer

Is there something you need help with that you think is too small for God to care about? Write it out and submit it to Him.

Father, thank you for caring about the smallest aspects of my life, including my footsteps.


Growing Pains


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