An on Time God

Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.”
– Psalm 37:5 NKJV


A day after being admitted to the hospital, the doctors determined I had a severe infection and that I needed to undergo surgery to rectify the issue. Needless to say, I was shocked. Not only was I miles away from home on another continent, I had to make a life or death decision without family members nearby. Plus, I still didn’t have the guarantee from my insurance company that it would pay for my expenses.

When my friend updated my parents on the situation, they said not to proceed with the operation until they came. Praise God, they were able to get on a flight that same day. A shout out to my dad for saving his travel points, because their flights were fully funded by them. But I digress.

In the meantime, I asked God for His guidance about what to do. In His still, calm voice He told me to go through with the surgery because I wouldn’t make it on a flight home to deal with the issue. He also assured me that the money would come through for my surgery.

My parents arrived the following day, and it was a great relief to see their faces when they walked into my hospital room. I’m also grateful that my friends graciously opened their home for my parents to stay with them. With my parents finally there, my surgery was scheduled for two days later, on Thanksgiving Day (U.S.). Though it took some wrangling with the insurance clearance process, God was true to His word. I received notice in the wee hours of the morning of my surgery that my insurance would cover my expenses. I had a lot to be thankful for.


It Started with a Magazine…


Not Just a Stomach Bug