It Started with a Magazine…


Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”
– Lamentations 3:22-23 NKJV


My surgery went well and test results showed that my infection markers were heading in the right direction. But that was short lived. Two days later those same markers spiked up. More examinations revealed that I needed to undergo a SECOND surgery. Whew child, now that I think about it, God truly carried me through during this mentally crazy time.

Fortunately, the second surgery went smoothly. I was placed in the ICU to get the extra care I needed for recovery. During one of my parents’ daily visits to my bedside, my mom had a magazine she was reading (she’s rarely without reading material) that was published by my church’s organization. When one of my doctors came for his rounds, he recognized the magazine and asked my parents and I if we were Adventists. We said yes. He paused for a minute, looking a bit befuddled, then told us that he and my primary care physician were also Adventists.

This news brought overwhelming peace to me, because it was another example of how God was orchestrating everything. I was also comforted by the visits I received from friends, including one that I made while I was in Durban. Her mom also visited me and always made sure to pray with me. Even though we were thousands of miles away from home, my parents and I were surrounded by spiritual family.


Here We Go Again…


An on Time God