Not Just a Stomach Bug


For I, the Lord your God, will hold you right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’”
– Isaiah 41:13 NKJV


Until now you’ve read about some of my happier travels, but not all of them have been rosy. About four years ago I planned a two week trip to three cities in South Africa. Unbeknownst to me, those two weeks would turn into a long, arduous six weeks!

My first stop was a solo trip in Durban for a festival. I’m grateful things went smoothly during that leg of my trip and that I made connections with individuals who would later become part of my journey. I then moved on to Cape Town, where I stayed with family friends. After a few days of sightseeing, I started to feel ill, so much so that my hosts ended up taking me to the emergency room. The doctor thought it was just a stomach bug and felt positive about the relief I would receive from the medication he provided.

The next day I started to feel on the mend and flew to my final destination, Johannesburg. Again, I was beyond fortunate to be staying with family friends, because not too long after I arrived I felt worst. I was in excruciating pain and unable to keep any food down. I don’t even want to think how I would have fared had I been by myself. I was taken to the emergency room, but the tests performed revealed nothing out of the ordinary. The doctor wanted to conduct additional tests to be on the safe side, but only if I was admitted to the hospital. But in order to be admitted, the hospital’s policy stipulated that I either have a letter of guarantee from my travel insurance stating that it would pay for the services rendered, or I’d have to make a deposit. Since they couldn’t reach my insurance company at the time, and me being frugal, I decided not to stay, thinking this bug would soon pass. Boy, was I WRONG.

The next day I couldn’t even keep down the medication I was given. I was in even greater pain that I could barely walk. My friends agreed to take me back to the emergency room, but insisted I take clothes with me in case I was admitted. By God’s grace the same doctor and receptionist who saw me the evening before were there again. They sternly told me that they would only treat me if I were admitted. I surrendered. Thankfully they were able to work it out with the hospital to admit me without the guarantee from my insurance or a deposit from me. This was the beginning of many miracles that would take place in Johannesburg.


An on Time God


Angelic Music