The Long Stretch…


Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
– James 1:2-4, NKJV


The third surgery was a success, but recovery seemed a long way off. Before my physicians could provide an estimated timeframe for my discharge, they wanted to be sure there were sufficient signs my body was functionally normally and that I was regaining my strength. Week after week went by with little sign of improvement. It was heart wrenching when the doctors would say I just had to wait. My patience was growing very thin and my bitterness toward God was growing. We were nearing the Christmas holiday and I wanted to be home before then.

One day in my quiet time, when I was fussing with God about my disappointment with the turn of events, He gently reminded me that this whole experience was not all about me. That answer was clearly demonstrated to me in a few days.

From time to time I would hear American gospel music coming from the room next door. I was curious to find out who was playing the music and where they were from. It turned out to be a woman from Sierra Leone, who recently had surgery. She had traveled for the operation without any family or friends to accompany her.

When my mom came for her daily visits with me (my dad had to return home right after my surgery), she took the time to visit and pray with her too. My mom was also able to run errands to get some essential items she needed. I could tell by their conversations and the tearful goodbye they shared when she was transferred to another facility that she truly appreciated my mom’s companionship. Seeing this helped to shift my focus on all the negative events to counting the blessing that had unfolded during this trying journey.


Christmas Homecoming


Here We Go Again…