Christmas Homecoming

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My mom and I on our flight back home to the US.

Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me.”
– Psalm 103:1-3, NLT


Shifting my perspective took some time, but in the process my bitterness subsided. About three weeks had passed since my surgery, and my body finally showed signs of improvement in the areas the doctors were concerned about. I was discharged a few days later. I never knew freedom could taste so sweet. Before I could return home, I had to wait for follow up appointments to gain clearance to fly.

During the remaining days I had left in South Africa I was able to catch up with the new “family” I made in South Africa. We prayed and laughed together, reflecting on God’s faithfulness. My friend that I met in Durban, along with her aunt and sister, took my mother and me out to lunch, and even gave us Christmas gifts to take home.

I’m so glad God is patient and even spoils us when we don’t deserve it. My physician made it clear to my insurance company that I needed ample leg room, so I had to fly in business class. God was making sure I flew home in style, y’all. The travel plans were all set and we were scheduled to leave Christmas Eve. My physician personally drove us to the airport and arranged wheelchair service for me. He didn’t stop there. He wheeled me alongside my mother to the security gate. Talk about going above and beyond.

Thankfully, the 18-hour flight back home went smoothly. Little did I know that when my mom and I rounded the baggage claim doors that we would be greeted by a surprise welcoming party of family and friends. I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and the reminder of God’s faithfulness that Christmas morning.


The Long Stretch…