A Parisian Leap of Faith

Photo credit: A. J. Medley

Photo credit: A. J. Medley

Now the Lord had said to Abram: ‘Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great.
— Genesis 12:1-2 NKJV

My first life-changing international experience was my college semester abroad in Paris, France. I was so excited leading up to my departure, because as a little girl I had always dreamed of visiting Paris. But I was a hot mess the weekend of my flight. My fear of the unknown rapidly washed over my excitement, and the thought of being thousands of miles away from family and friends worried me. I was also intimidated by the new culture I was about to be immersed in. Nevertheless, I’m grateful I did not allow those fears to prevent me from going.

Reflecting on my departure jitters brings a smile to my face, because not only did so many of my dreams come true in Paris, but it also sparked my love for traveling. This leap of faith paved the way for me to visit six continents, and has given me ambition to pursue the seventh. Antarctica, I’m coming for you!

This experience reminds me of how God called Abraham to leave his comfort zone – his family, home, and country – to a land only He would show him with the promise of making Abraham’s yet born descendants a great nation. Despite not knowing how this land and promise would come to fruition, Abraham obeyed God completely, sight unseen. I pray that you and I reach that level of faith and obedience through our journey of growth in our relationship with God.


Reflection & Prayer

Is there anything God has called you to do, but fear is holding you back? I challenge you to write down these fears and surrender them to Him. Then take that leap of faith. Blessings are on the other side

Father, please grow in me the faith and obedience Abraham had even when my path seem unclear. Help me to stand on your power, love, and guidance.


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