On a Hunt for Food

Photo credit: A. J. Medley

Photo credit: A. J. Medley

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
– Psalm 34:8, NKJV


During our fall break in Paris, one of my roommates and I took a trip to Madrid and Barcelona. As we prepped for our travels, our excitement grew as we planned to visit sites such as the Prado Museum, Sagrada Familia, and many others. I guess we were so wrapped up in building our itinerary that we totally forgot to take into account the fact that Spaniards eat dinner pretty late by American standards.

After arriving in Madrid on a late afternoon flight, much to our dismay, we couldn’t find any restaurants that were open, and we were HANGRY. We searched high and low, but we only found a fast food place that had French fries available. That barely held us over until dinnertime in Madrid, but we were grateful. You can imagine our elation when we were finally able to eat our first real meal later that evening. We savored every last bite.

Just as my roommate and I searched for food, but could not find some, we may sometimes encounter silent seasons with God. It may be because of our busy schedules, leaving little time for Him. Or, we think we simply don’t have a clear sense of direction from Him after seeking His Word, or receiving an answer to prayer for what seems like an eternity. Whatever the case may be, oh, how sweet it is when we finally hear His voice.

The question is: what do we do throughout those silent seasons? Do we give up in frustration? Do we become resigned to the situation? Or do we keep seeking and praising Him until we hear His answer? We may not always know why silent seasons come, but it’s up to us to stay hungry for His word.


Reflection & Prayer

Have you experienced a silent season? If so, what was it like, and how did you get through it?

Father, please sustain me during the silent seasons, even when things don’t make sense. Help me to never stop seeking Your living word. Help me to know and trust Your will.


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