Flags Flying High

Photo credit: A. J. Medley

Photo credit: A. J. Medley

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light…
– 1 Peter 2:9, NKJV


Not long after my college graduation, my mom and I traveled to a few European cities to tour potential graduate schools (I was hooked on being an international student after my semester abroad). One of our stops was Geneva. As we toured this charming, small city, we passed by the United Nations building. I was impressed with the numerous flags waving in its courtyard, each representing a member country of the organization.

Seeing that many flags in one location brought to mind just how God created this world with beautiful diversity. He designed us with different ethnic backgrounds and planted us in various geographic locations. We have to admit the world would be a very sad place if we all looked, sounded, and acted the same.

Despite our differences, I’m glad we have a God that has designated us as a chosen people, royal priesthood, and a holy nation. We’re ROYAL y’all! I’m grateful this title does not depend on our lineage, education, or network. It’s simply by accepting the Lord as our Savior.


Reflection & Prayer

What are you most proud of your, concerning your heritage? What are your thoughts about being royal?

Father, thank You for uniquely creating me and choosing me to be a part of Your royal family.


Nor Height Nor Depth


You’re Not on the Map